Tuesday, July 08, 2008

movin on up

Alena has grown to love the water and was quite excited to start up with lessons again this summer. It has not been since she was a little over a year old that she had her last class but still she could not wait.

For two weeks her and I would trek to the pool with our bathing suits in hand ready to take to the water. We would both plunge in and learn new skills.

After class she would come home and want to practice what she had done in the tub at bath time. I finally broke down and got her a little pool to play around in which I have found to be a wonderful investment. She does not want to get out on a good day and would stay in till dinner if I let her.

Last Friday she graduated from her Starfish class and was so proud of herself for getting a certificate.

We had prepared her for the next class of Goldfish where she would be getting in without me. On Monday there was no problem she was eager to get to class and once there intently took in all that was going on.

By Tuesday she was offering to be the first volunteer for many of the activities.

I am looking forward to seeing what she will be like this year when we make our trip to the cabin in Idaho. I'm sure we will be in the water every chance we get.


Sarah said...

OMG! Love that little blue swim cap adorned with a perfect little flower. If only we could all look so good in swim caps.

Dina said...

Such an adorable little dolphin :)

Anonymous said...

wonderful pictures - they capture that time so well :^)